Study of clinical profile of pulmonary tuberculosis at tertiary health care center
Introduction: India has more new tuberculosis (TB) cases annually than any other country.The annual incidence of sputum smear-positive cases is estimated to be 168/100,000 persons. Aims and Objectives: To Study of clinical profile of pulmonary tuberculosis at tertiary health care center. Material and Method: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at Department of TB and Chest of tertiary health care center during the One year period from January 2015 to January 2016. In the one year period who were admitted to ward of TB and chest were included into study. During one year, total 107 patients as per DOT’s Category of treatment; Category I were 78 and Category II were 29. The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. Result: The majority of the Patients were in the age group of 40-50- 26.17followed by >60 - 19.63, 30-40- 17.76 and in 50-60- 15.89. The majority of the Patients were Male i.e. 60.75 % followed by 39.25 were Female. In Majority of the Patients Pulmonary TB was Presenting feature i.e. 75.70% followed by Extrapulmonary i.e. 16.82%. The most common presenting features of extrapulmonary TB were Pleural effusion in 65.38%. The majority of the patients were diagnosed by Sputum microscopy in 37.38% followed by CXR in 21.50 %. The majority of the patients were New i.e. 76.64% followed by Treatment after default were 9.35%, Relapse in 6.54%, Transfer in 4.67% and Treatment failure in 2.80%. The majority of the Patients were on Category I i.e. 72.90 % followed by 27.10 in Category II. Associated co-morbidity found in 35.89% of Category I patients while 58.62 % Category II were associated with co-morbidity. So, associated co-morbidity was significantly higher in Category II patients. (χ2 =4.479, df=1, P<0.0343). Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study that TB was most common in males, Pulmonary TB was most common and majority of the patients can be diagnosed by Sputum microscopy and Associated co-morbidities were found significantly higher in Category II patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Arjun Shelke
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