Study of Factors Affecting the Demand for Watching Football in Stadius
Journal Title: Choregia - Year 2011, Vol 7, Issue 2
This paper is to find the factors effective on football matches watching demand in stadiums. The factors effective on the demand are divided into 4 categories; economical, environmental, appeal, and geographical / demographical factors which converted into 23 independent parameters by virtue of the device appropriate to gather related information. In this research, Iranian super league was selected as the subject of the study and We limited our study to three cities; Shiraz, Isfahan, and Tehran. Finally by virtue of estimating the regressions and estimating the Ordinary Least Square and Minitab software three equations were gained to foresee the number of the spectators. Validation of the models was conducted by lack of fit test, studies on the remnants such as Darling - Anderson test of normality, and Durbin Watson statistics for remnant independence test and the issue of their variance being fixed, and the study of lack of complex collinearity between independent variables using Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). We used step - by - step regression method and regression of all probable conditions. By virtue of the conclusions of the regression equations we found that there is a structural difference between capital and the cities and the factors creating attractions such as their recent successes, history and the quality of the teams have the most effects on the fans’ demand to attend in the stadiums.
Authors and Affiliations
Ehsan Javanmardi| Management Department, Shiraz University, Iran, Dr. Kazem Noghondarian| College of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
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