Volunteers in Sport Organizations
Journal Title: Choregia - Year 2010, Vol 6, Issue 2
The research is done in order to describe student’s attitudes on volunteering in sport. The sample consists of 231 students from Serbia, average age 21,06 ± 3,12 years. They were from eight colleges and faculties. For nominal and ordinal variables, frequencies were determined. Many of examined students have volunteering experiences. The results confirm that students believe that we live in a society which is generally thought only to its own benefit; they think that volunteering can not solve the problems in society; that people do not have enough experience with volunteering and people do not have time to volunteering; volunteering is for young people; in their family and among friends, there are no volunteers; everyone could be volunteer only if that wishes; do not believe that volunteering is a waste of time and it helps in future career. The prevalent number of students, regardless of the Faculty which they belong, rarely volunteered in areas outside of sport. Results also shows that students from sport faculties have less experience in volunteering in sport than students from other faculties, but this difference is not dramatic
Authors and Affiliations
Milan Mihajlovic| Faculty for management in sport, Gradski park 2, Zemun 11080, Serbia, Nebojsa Komnenic| Sports federation of Serbia, Makedonska 28/II, Belgrade 11000, Serbia, Edita Kastratovic| Faculty for management in sport, Gradski park 2, Zemun 11080, Serbia, Vesna Cilerdzic| Faculty for management in sport, Gradski park 2, Zemun 11080, Serbia
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