Study of factors that affect clinical prognosis and heart remodeling in patients with myocardium infarction with ST segment elevation in remote period
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Medical Science - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 11
Aim. To determine factors, connected with the unfavorable prognosis of patients with myocardium infarction (MI) with ST element elevation, who underwent the thrombolytic therapy (TLT). Materials and methods. There were examined 100 patients with MI with ST segment elevation, who underwent TLT, admitted at hospital during the first 6 hours of the disease. The average time of TLT was 154±75,56 minutes, TLT was realized at the pre-hospital stage in 35(38,5 %) patients. Blood samples for determining biochemical parameters, especially asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (CRP), were taken at admission at hospital. ADMA level was determined using the high-effective liquid chromatography, the level of high-sensitive CRP – by the immunoturbdiametric analysis. For determining the allele condition of T786C polymorphism of the gene of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), there was used polymerase chain reaction. All patients underwent echocardioscopy (EchoCS). Patients were examined repeatedly in 1 year. The information as to undesirable clinical events was accessible in 91 persons, 60 patients underwent the repeated EchoCS. Results. Undesirable clinical events took part in 13 (14,3 %) of 91 patients. Among patients, who underwent undesirable events, reliably more patients had the previous localization of MI (39,7 % and 76,9 %, respectively, р=0,03). They had also the more heart rate for the second day of the disease (71,01±12,38 st/min and 77,36±7,84 st/min, respectively, p=0,045). The reliably more part of patients from this group had angina before the development of the current MI - 1 (1,3 %) and 3 ( 23,1 %), respectively, р=0,009. Patients, who had undergone undesirable events, had the reliably higher level of the high-sensitive CRP at admission to hospital (37,47±28,08 against 11,70±12,21in І group, р=0,006). The regression analysis established that the increase of the risk of undesirable events by 9,9 % is connected with angina before MI, by 7,3 % with the previous MI localization, by 5,6 % with the decrease of the emission fraction (EF) in the acute period of MI, by 5,1 % with the increase of the level of the high-sensitive CRP, by 5,1 % with the decrease of smoking length, and by 5,1 % with female sex. The left ventricle (LV) remodeling (increment of the end diastolic volume (EDV) over 20 % comparing with the results of the first EchCS) was observed in 13 (21,7 %) of 60 examined persons. It was revealed, that patients with the further development of LV remodeling had better parameters of the intracardiac hemodynamics in the acute period of MI – less values of LV EDV (р=0,028), LV end systolic volume (ESV) (р=0,049), LV myocardium mass (р=0,031). At the analysis of laboratory data, it was revealed, that these patients had the reliably higher level of the high-sensitive CRP and ADMA. The method of regression analysis demonstrated that the increase of the risk of LV remodeling is connected with the less size of the left atrium by 12,5 % and by 9,1 % - with the less MMLV in the acute MI period, by 5,9 % with smoking at the moment of MI, by 5,1 % with the increase of the level of high-sensitive CRP, by 4,7 % with angina before MI, by 4,6 % with the previous MI localization. Conclusions. The risk of clinical undesirable events and LV remodeling in patients with MI with ST segment elevation depends on their anamnesis, infarction localization and clinical course of the disease and also on several biochemical indices
Authors and Affiliations
Vira Tseluyko, Natalia Mishchuk, Olga Matuzok
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