Study of gonado- and reproductive toxicity of technical-grade carbendazim in male and female Wistar Han rats
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2018, Vol 84, Issue 4
Objective. Identification of hazard and assessment of the risk of gonado- and reproductive toxicity of two generic pesticides of technical-grade carbendazim of different purity bin male and female Wistar Han rats. Materials and Methods. Carbendazim with the purity of 98 % (C1) and 98.1 % (C2) was intragastrically administered on the daily basis, excluding Saturday and Sunday, at the doses of 2.5 and 25 mg/kg body weight in three groups of animals (20 males and female rats in each) during 10 weeks (forfemales) and 11 weeks (for males). Control animals received an equivalent amount of the solvent. Intact animals intended for breeding were managed in parallel with the control and experimental animals. After the end of the exposure, functional parameters of the condition of gonads and reproductive ability of the animals were investigated. Females were used to investigate the condition of the oestral cycle, duration and frequency of each stage of it. The condition of the reproductive function in the female rats was considered at Day 20 of pregnancy. Indices of breeding, conception, fertility, pregnancy were established, and the duration of the pre-coitalperiod was considered. Results and Discussion. The data obtained suggest that exposure to two generic substances of carbendazim at the dose of 25 mg/kg body weight during 11 weeks is manifested in general toxic effect (body weight reduction) only in males upon exposure to C2. All test substances in the maximum dose have reproductive toxicity and show significant anti-androgenic action that is manifested as changes in the morphological and functional parameters of the condition of gonads in the experimental groups of male rats. Furthermore, the negative effect on the oestral cycle in experimental female rats exposed to C2 was noted. Conclusion. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that all test samples of carbendazim have reproductive toxicity at the dose of 25 mg/kg body weight. No-observed-effect level (NOEL) for all test compounds is 2.5 mg/kg body weight. Dose-effect dependence was observed in the range of studies doses.
Authors and Affiliations
Ya. V. Kolianchyk
Гігієнічна оцінка особливостей токсикодинаміки та механізму дії на організм теплокровних тварин і людини гербіциду класу оксіацетамідів — флуфенацету
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