Study of Initial and Acquired Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Pulmonary Tuberculosis


We studied the resistance pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Category I and Category II Group of pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Materials and methods: 79 culture positive patients in Category I and 75 in Category IIwere subjected to antibiotic sensitivity testing using drug incorporated LJ medium. The drugs tested were primary drugs i.e Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin and secondary drugs i.e. Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin (Quinolones) Amikacin and Cycloserine. Resistance was intrepretated using MIC method (all drugs) and resistance ratio method (Streptomycin).Results: 48.11% showed resistance to one or more primary drug in Category II as against, 12% in Category I. Maximum resistance was shown to INH in Category II (30.37%) followed by Rifampicin (29.11%) This was again significantly higher than their resistance in Category I. Resistance was not observed to Pyrazinamide. When further pattern of drug resistance was analyzed, resistance to single drug was maximum followed by resistance to two drugs and then three drugs. All the strains in Category I and II showed significantly high resistance to Quinolones. Of the 9 MDR strains in Category II, 7 were resistant to Quinolones. 3 were resistant to Cycloserine. 2 were resistant to Amikacin. While in Category I, only 1 MDR strain was isolated which was also resistant to Quinolones. Resistance to Quinolones remained high irrespective of whether the strains remained sensitive or resistant to primary drugs. Primary drugs still retain the “essence” of treatment Indiscriminate use of Quinolones must be avoided.

Authors and Affiliations

Sufia M. Siddiqui , M. P. Ghatole , S. Kothadia


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Sufia M. Siddiqui, M. P. Ghatole, S. Kothadia (2014). Study of Initial and Acquired Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 121-125.