Efficacy of Ashwagandha Kshirpak on Anxiety Neurosis
CHINTA mentioned in charaksamhita can be correlated with Anxiety neurosis. Anxiety leads to over activeness of thyroid glands. Apart from other symptoms of body [debility, headache, loss of appetite, cardiac pain, etc.] and of mind [insomnia, loss of memory, fear of disease, loss of concentration, anger, etc.] anxiety has relevent impact on pulse, weight, respiratory rate and blood pressure.Benzodiazepines and other drugs OF ALLOPATHY leads to physical dependence and systemic complication. Rejuvenate[rasayana] therapy of Ayurveda keeps enzyme in the tissue cells at normal functioning level and promotes tranquility of mind which prevents ageing process and makes him/her disease free during advanced age. A single non comparative blind study was conducted on 30 patients of this disease and the statistical analysis showed that ashwangdha Kshirpak reduced to debility 64% tremors to 64.28%.Headeche to 65.21%, loss of appetite 62.96%, excessive sweating to 52.94%, cardiac pain to 57.89%, fear of disease to 59.25%, anger to 57.14%, Memory loss to 63.63%, and insomnia to 62.94%. ASHWANGDHA Kshirpak has shown effectiveness in maintaining normal pulse rate , respiratory rate, blood pressure and weight gain of the person. Thus this study shows that ASHWANGDHA Kshirpak is significantly effective in relieving the clinical symptoms of anxiety neurosis ( Chinta)
Authors and Affiliations
Alka K. Bhandare , Kurawar Rashmi , Dattatreya V. Patil , Shrikiran M. Mudipiri , Bandale Mukund
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