Study of iron deficiency anemia in early childhood

Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Pediatrics - Year 2019, Vol 9, Issue 3


Background: Iron deficiency is a global public health problem with unique cultural, dietary and infectious hurdles that are difficult to overcome. Iron is vital for all living organisms as it is essential for multiple metabolic processes including oxygen transport, DNA synthesis and electron transport. Aims and Objectives: 1To study clinical profile of Iron deficiency anemia in hospitalised patients. 2To study association between socio-economic status and IDA.3To study symptomatology in IDA. 4To find out risk factors and disease association with IDA. Material and Method This was retrospective study of iron deficiency anemia in early childhood, carried out from July 2016 to November 2018 in a tertiary care hospital. Total 100 patients were enrolled for the study. Informed consent was taken from relatives. Selection Criteria: Age group upto 5 years, Hemoglobin < 11 gm/dl. Anemia was classified based on WHO recommendation cut off value of < 11.0 gm/dl. Hb concentration less than 7 gm/dl was considered severe anemia. 7 to 10 gm /dl moderate anemia and < 11 gm/dl but > 10 gm/dl as mild anemia. All details were filled in the preformed proforma. Necessary investigations were performed on venous blood in standard laboratories. Data was analyzed and results were obtained. Observation and Results: In our study almost 80% patient were between 6 months to 36 months. It is more common in poor socioeconomic class. Pallor, cognitive changes and fever were the most common presenting symptoms. Most common cause for IDA is poor intake in 69 % patients. Worm infestation is present in 17% of patients. 35% patients were from Grade III and IV of PEM.

Authors and Affiliations

Dipti Shah, Sucheta Munshi, Bhavesh Patel


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  • EP ID EP539230
  • DOI 10.26611/1014933
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How To Cite

Dipti Shah, Sucheta Munshi, Bhavesh Patel (2019). Study of iron deficiency anemia in early childhood. Medpulse International Journal of Pediatrics, 9(3), 97-100.