Study of modification of zinc status of laboratory animals in conditions of low-dose action of lead and zinc in various forms

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 4


In recent years the steady trend to growth of the technogenic load of the environment closely correlates with deterioration of the health status of the population, chronic diseases and worsening of demographic indicators. One of the main threats to human health from contamination with heavy metals is associated with the influence of lead, which contributes to the development of chronic diseases of the nervous, hematopoietic, endocrine, renal and bone systems. In the process of studying the properties of zinc, its use as an osteoprotective agent is becoming more actual. In connection with the foregoing, the aim of our study was to study the content of zinc in bone tissue in low-dose isolated and combined effects of various forms of lead and zinc under the experimental conditions. For the experiment, sexually mature Wistar rats with a body weight of 150-170 g were selected, with the following randomization into six experimental and one control group, eight rats in each one. The data obtained and their comprehensive analysis allow to fully suggest the formation of a bioantagonistic relationship between lead and zinc in the bone at the level of the latter, observed both in the isolated action of lead and in combination with zinc. Along with this, our results correspond with the data of other researchers on the osteoprotective properties of zinc under the action of even low-dose levels of lead, especially of its nanoacqualate form (zinc citrate).

Authors and Affiliations

E. M. Biletska, O. P. Shtepa, V. V. Kalinicheva, S. I. Valchuk


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  • EP ID EP245003
  • DOI 10.26641/2307-0404.2017.4.117661
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How To Cite

E. M. Biletska, O. P. Shtepa, V. V. Kalinicheva, S. I. Valchuk (2017). Study of modification of zinc status of laboratory animals in conditions of low-dose action of lead and zinc in various forms. Медичні перспективи, 22(4), 13-19.