Study of Noise Mapping at Moolchand Road Phargang New Delhi
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 6
India’s cities are growing rapidly, resulting in wide variety of environmental stresses. Delhi’s current population is 18 million is growing rapidly. The results show that Delhi is developing very rapidly. The study shows that a 122 increase in highly dense area was recorded during last decade in Delhi. The pollution load has increased in terms of air, water, noise, and solid waste generation and disposal, etc. One of the many environmental problems faced is related to noise pollution. Many important places like Hospitals and Residential areas have been to be made Noise free. In most of the surveys conducted by relative Departments and Organizations, Noise levels vary in all three axis and are being represented graphically by Noise Map. In order to assess not only the noise levels, to which the population is exposed, but also to quantify the influence of architectonical aspects, the report presents the steps taken towards a simulation of the noise emissions and propagation in this area. The results of the simulation are compared to measurements in different locations and daily hours. The discrepancies are analyzed and the methodology is discussed. Efforts were made to implement Guide Lines Prescribed by Indian Standards. Design of noise barriers is also briefly discussed. Ishfaq Nisar | Er Mohit Singh Dagar "Study of Noise Mapping at Moolchand Road Phargang-New Delhi" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: Paper Url:
Authors and Affiliations
Ishfaq Nisar
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