Study of Peripheral Neuropathy in Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V Patients on Hemodialysis
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
Introduction: End stage renal disease (ESRD) is commonly associated with peripheral neuropathy. This study was undertaken to observe prevalence, type and pattern of peripheral neuropathy in end stage renal disease patients being treated by haemodialysis Material and Method: 50 patients of ESRD being treated by haemodialysis for duration more than 3 months were included in study. Diabetics were excluded. All patients were investigated with nerve conduction studies (NCV). Estimated glomerular filtration rate and modified total neuropathy score was calculated in each patient Observations: 34 % patients had normal NCV report and 66% had abnormal report, out of which 26% patients had overt and 40% had subclinical neuropathy .maximum patients had axonal sensorimotor neuropathy involving all 4 limbs. Conclusion: Present study finds out high prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in ESRD patients being treated haemodialysis. Majority of patients have overt or subclinical peripheral neuropathy which can be axonal demyelinating or both. Hence through this study we emphasis on calculation of modified total neuropathy score and nerve conduction study in every patient planned for maintaince haemodialysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Prof. Dr T. N. Dubey (DM)
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