Study of Serum Calcium, Microalbuminuria, Urinary Calcium/Creatinine Ratio in Postmenopausal Women

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


Deficiency of estrogen increases generation and deposition of extracellular protein which causes glomerular injury. Microalbuminuria is a reflection of vascular damage and marker of early arterial disease in normal healthy individuals without diabetes and hypertension. Calcium/creatinine ratio is a well defined marker indicating the rate of bone resorption and duration of menopause. Aim of the study is to find out the presence of microalbuminuria and estimation of serum calcium and calcium/creatinine ratio are compared to that of controls. The study was conducted by taking 50 no of cases and 50 no controls. Cases include non diabetes and non hypertensive post menopausal women of 45 to 60 yr age group without taking vit D, calcium and hormone replacement therapy. Controls were of normal premenopausal women of 35 to 45 yr age group. The study showed that urinary microalbumin and urinary calcium/ creatinine ratio was significantly increasd in cases as compared to that of controls showing p<0.05. serum calcium level was significantly decreased(p<0.005) in cases which are found to be stastistically significant. Serum calcium level showed a negetive correlation with age and serum creatinine showed a negative correlation with urinary creatinine The study shows that microalbuminuria is an early indicator of subclinical organ damage. Serum calcium and ca/cr ratio can be used an early marker of bone resorption in postmenopausal women. So the above parameters can be used as screening method for detection of high risk groups who are prone to further cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. So that early intervention can be done.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Rita Rani Sahu


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How To Cite

Dr Rita Rani Sahu (2017). Study of Serum Calcium, Microalbuminuria, Urinary Calcium/Creatinine Ratio in Postmenopausal Women. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 5(3), 19347-19353.