Study of Sutures: Anatomical Variations in the Fusion of Sutures
Background: The cranial sutures are the fibrous tissues uniting the skull bones as they approximate one another during development .The coronal, sagittal and lambdoid sutures were analyzed for quantifying the sutural patency as maintenance of suture patency depends on various factors in skull. Metopic sutures are a vertical sutures occurring as a result of failure of ossification between the two halves of frontal bone. It is very often mistaken for fracture of the frontal bone in the A-P view X-Ray of skull. Objective: The goal of the study was to evaluate the gross morphology of the coronal, sagittal, lambdoid and metopic sutures in human adult dried skulls and to determine if any difference exists in terms of fusion. Material and methods: The study included 150 human dry skulls of Indian population were selected from the museum of anatomy department of GMERS Medical College Gotri, Vadodara, and Government Medical College Bhavnagar. Result: the study shows the patency of the lambdoid suture is more compared to the other sutures and incidence of metopism was 2%.
Authors and Affiliations
Divyesh Kapadia , Ajay Rathva , Dharati M. Kubavat , Shaileshkumar K. Nagar
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