Study of the Ukrainian Media Market’s Content
Journal Title: Актуальні питання масової комунікації; Current issues of mass communication - Year 2017, Vol 18, Issue 21
Given that the effective management of TV business demands a lot of data from various methods of marketing research, we defined the main objective of this study as analysis of the Ukrainian TV producers’ content. In our study we applied the methodology of quantitative online-survey of respondents about product proposals and motivational advantages. 460 respondents from all regions of Ukraine, except the Crimea, took part in our online-survey, that insured its representativeness. The content of Ukrainian TV channels was determined through the quantitative method of assessing the particular product and understanding the pros-pects for its development in the media market. The motivational advantages of the audience were explored relating to consumer advantages in terms of viewing, rating, advertising, packaging, and type of products. Respondents’ attitude to the products in terms of the attractiveness of brands of competing enterprises was studied. The results of this measurement will help to study the attitude of consumers to the content and development of the media market, as well as to identify the advantages and shortcomings of the existing business processes on TV due to the intensive integration of TV resources into the Inter-net. The main conclusion of our study proves the significance of survey method for expanding and refining knowledge about the audience’s benefits for making effective management deci-sions.
Authors and Affiliations
Inna Cheremnykh
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