Study on Awareness of TB, HIV and STD among Young Adults in Colleges of Pondicherry

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 7


Introduction: Awareness and knowledge on highly prevalent communicable diseases in the population is important for early diagnosis, treatment and their prevention. The knowledge on Tuberculosis (TB), Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are important among young adults in India. Aims and Objectives: To find the awareness and knowledge on cause, spread, treatment facility and social stigma about TB, HIV or AIDS and STD among young adults in colleges of Puducherry. Materials and Methods: A Cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in the month of June 2015 in Puducherry among young adults in different colleges having arts, science, engineering, veterinary sciences, graduation and post graduation courses. Data was collected using pre tested semi open ended questionnaire by direct interviewing the subjects in their college premises after getting the consent. Results: Total of 600 young adults (390 males and 210 females) were the subjects from various educational backgrounds. The overall awareness about disease, aetiology, spread, free treatment, treatment duration, complaints and social stigma for TB was 94, 72, 40, 77, 22, 75 and 72 percent respectively. Similarly they were 96,66,70,69,19,42 and 71 percent for HIV, and 40,22,22,29,1,5,and 46 percent for STDs. The overall awareness and knowledge is not adequate irrespective of their educational backgrounds. Smoking and alcohol consumption was prevalent among 20 and 26 percent of male subjects. Conclusion: The overall TB, HIV and STD awareness is inadequate among young adults. It is necessary to improve awareness at periodic intervals by lectures and group discussions.

Authors and Affiliations

K N Prasad


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How To Cite

K N Prasad (2015). Study on Awareness of TB, HIV and STD among Young Adults in Colleges of Pondicherry. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 3(7), 6797-6802.