Study on Impact of Perforation Size of Tympanic Membrane on Hearing Loss and Audiological Outcome after Closure in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1


Background and Objectives: Chronic otitis media (COM) is an important and a highly prevalent disease of the middle ear and poses serious health problem worldwide especially in developing countries. Chronic otitis media with perforation is often accompanied by varying degree of conductive hearing loss. Loss of hearing is a national health problem with significant physical and psychosocial problem. The objective of this study is to correlate size of perforation with hearing loss using pure tone audiogram and to evaluate the outcome of type 1 tympanoplasty in patients with chronic otitis media with tympanic membrane perforation. Methods: The study comprises of 50 patients with chronic otitis media who visited ENT OPD, PBM Hospital, AGH with SPMC during Oct 2015 to Oct 2016, who have undergone type I tympanoplasty with cortical mastoidectomy. Inclusion criteria: All patients between 15-60 years of age with chronic otitis media with tympanic membrane perforation. Exclusion criteria: Age below 15years and above 60 years of age, patients with SNHL, ossicular chain pathology and squamosal disease were excluded from the study. A correlation of size of perforation with hearing loss and postoperative hearing improvement after 3months of surgery was done. Results: In our study mean pure tone average for small, medium and subtotal perforation was 23.73dB, 30.11dB, 43.38dB respectively. Mean air bone gap for small, medium and subtotal perforation was 13.45dB, 20.07dB, and 31.38dB. Difference in mean pure tone average and mean ABG between different sizes of perforation is statistically significant. Hence we conclude that hearing loss increases with increase in size of perforation. Preoperatively, mean PTA threshold was 32.16dB and mean ABG was 23.26dB. Postoperatively, mean PTA threshold was 23.26dB and mean ABG was 13.26dB. The hearing improvement from preoperative level to 3 months postoperative level was statistically significant. Graft uptake in our study was seen in 88% of the cases. Out of 50 patients, 10 patients (20%) had excellent hearing improvement with 0-10dB postoperative ABG, 30 patients (60%) had good hearing results with10-20dB postoperative ABG and 9 patients (18%)had fair hearing improvement with 20-30dB postoperative ABG). 1 patient (2%) had poor hearing outcome (More than 30dB postoperative ABG). Conclusion: In our study we found a statistically significant correlation between the size of perforation and the hearing loss and a statistically significant improvement in hearing following type I tympanoplasty.

Authors and Affiliations

Nayak PD, Solanki G, Dr. Deepchand, Samor V, Gupta G, Sharma S


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  • EP ID EP542762
  • DOI 10.21276/ijmrp.2017.3.1.049
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How To Cite

Nayak PD, Solanki G, Dr. Deepchand, Samor V, Gupta G, Sharma S (2017). Study on Impact of Perforation Size of Tympanic Membrane on Hearing Loss and Audiological Outcome after Closure in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals, 3(1), 245-249.