Study on the preparation of activated carbons from pitch-polymer compositions
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 9
In this work, the results of studies of the use of pitch-polymer compositions as new precursors of activated carbons, were presented. The method and optimal parameters of preparation homogeneous and stable pitch-polymer compositions, were determined. Basing on the results of softening point measurements by the means of “Ring and Ball” method, coking value, content of components insoluble in toluene and quinoline, and thermal analysis (DSC), the evaluation of properties of coal-tar pitch and pitchpolymer compositions was carried out. Obtained pitch-polymer compositions were carbonized and activated with steam, carbon dioxide and potassium hydroxide. For obtained activated carbons the determination of BET surface are, mesopore and micropore volume on the basis of low-temperature adsorption of nitrogen and benzene adsorption/desorption isotherms (gravimetric McBain- Bakr method) were carried out.
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Makomaski, Janusz Zieliński, Wiesława Ciesińska
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