Studying the Role of Physical Education and Sports in Society: a Context with Reference to, Ranikhet (Uttarakhand)

Journal Title: Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications - Year 2020, Vol 3, Issue 3


This paper is based on the primary data collected from the respondent’s college of Ranikhet at Almora District of Uttarakhand state of India. All these respondents were randomly selected. The sample included 40respondents sports student and 40 respondents related to society which were randomly drawn from college of Ranikhet and city of Ranikhet. Primary data was collected through above stated statistical method affiliation has been measured in terms of degree of reliability. The objective of the paper is conducted through debate and analysis physical education and sports role in the society.

Authors and Affiliations

Kumar A* and Sah R


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  • EP ID EP745186
  • DOI 10.23880/abca-16000127
  • Views 30
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How To Cite

Kumar A* and Sah R (2020). Studying the Role of Physical Education and Sports in Society: a Context with Reference to, Ranikhet (Uttarakhand). Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications, 3(3), -.