Стварэнне i дзейнасць Беларускага аб’яднання ў Генеральнай акрузе «Латвія» (1941–1944)
Journal Title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue
Establishment and activity of the Belarusian Association in the General District of Latvia (1941–1944) As a result of the German army’s off ensive in the summer of 1941, Latvia was occupied by the Third Reich. The national structure of Latvia was characterized by diversity. Belarusians were among the most numerous minority groups. The German authorities, using the principle of „divide and rule”, were willing to give Belarusians a certain cultural and educational autonomy. The local Belarusian intelligentsia saw in this a chance to strengthen their infl uence in Latgale, which was treated as part of the so-called Belarusian ethnographic area. In 1941, the Belarusian National Committee was established in Riga and Daugavpils (from the spring of 1942 – the Belarusian Association). The main activity of this organization was social and cultural-educational activity among the residents of Latvia. There were choirs and artistic groups, publishing and cultural-educational activities. In addition, attempts were made to introduce the Belarusian language to Catholic and Orthodox churches. The aim was to fi ll the civil administration and local governments at the lower and middle level in Latgale with people of Belarusian nationality. The organization of education in the mother language was started. Belarusian activism has caused concern among many Latvians, because the leaders of the Latvian Belarusians counted on the possibility of joining Latgale in the future to Belarus. For a number of reasons, the „Belarusian action” in Latvia under German occupation was not a major success.
Authors and Affiliations
Юры Грыбоўскі
Konferencja naukowa pt. Kultura muzyczna na Warmii i Mazurach pod hasłem „Feliks Nowowiejski - dzieło i tradycja. W 70. Rocznicę śmierci i 140. rocznicę urodzin kompozytora”, Barczewo, 3 czerwca 2016 r.
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