Сучасні тенденції наукових досліджень і правозастосовної практики протидії молодіжній злочинності
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 57, Issue 2
Проаналізовано наукові дослідження і правозастосовну практику останніх років щодо протидії молодіжній злочинності, виявлено наявні проблеми, надано пропозиції з удосконалення цього напрямку діяльності. Проанализированы научные исследования и правоприменительная практика последних лет относительно противодействия молодежной преступности, выявлено имеющиеся проблемы, даны предложения по усовершенствованию данного направления деятельности. The modern tendencies of research papers and law enforcement practice on the state of combating youth crime are studied. Research and the search of the previous and recent years about existing problems of determining the concept of «combating» and «counteraction» of crime, in particular youth crime are analyzed. The points of view of scientists on this issue from the perspective of criminology, operative and search activities and other branches of law are considered. The comparative analysis aimed at elaboration of propositions and recommendations for improving the current legislation and methods in legal enforcement activity, in particular by the operative units of internal affairs agencies is realized. The analysis of the age criterion of minors and young people who are criminogenic persons is conducted; practice of previous and modern forms and methods of counteraction, particularly in the planning and implementation of operative and search activities is analyzed. Among the established in the study forms and methods of operative units of internal affairs agencies the author has emphasized on the use of precautionary and preventive, particularly individual measures of impact. The author points out that he has elaborated the draft of the Concept of combating youth crime aiming at creating a system for combating and preventing youth crime at the state and regional level, legal consolidation of its provisions, involvement of all levels of state authorities, law enforcement agencies, the public, mass media. This, in his opinion, will increase the efficiency of the activity and interaction with the pre-trial investigation units, other services and departments and the police of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
V. M. Babakin
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