Сучасний стан та тенденції поширення сексуальної злочинності щодо дітей в Україні та світі / Current Status and Trends of Dissemination Sexual Criminality against Children in Ukraine and in the World
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 51, Issue
The article analyzes the latest publications that reflect the problem of sexual crimes against children in Ukraine and in the world. The law of foreign countries and the practice of using programs combating the crimes against the sexual integrity of a child are partly researched. The modern challenges of social behavior are singled out: bulling and sexting. The influence of armed conflicts on the spread of sexual crimes in the world and in particular in Ukraine is revealed. The last changes in the Ukrainian criminal law concerning the establishment of the age of puberty have been analyzed. On the basis of the conducted criminological analysis, trends of further development of sexual crimes against children in Ukraine have been formed. It is anticipated that the development of technology, and especially the increase in the number of people who are actively using illegal content, which often propagates the cult of violence and debauchery, will continue to tend to increase sex offending children. This is especially true among young users who are not able to fully disassemble acceptable and unacceptable conditions of conduct in society. Since even pre-school children have access to content that promotes violence and adversely affects the development of the personality and the formation of a worldview, features of family and religious education are acquired. The study of the current state of sexual crimes against children makes it possible to distinguish the following trends in its development: 1. The proportion of such crimes in the overall structure of crime is increasing. With the development of technologies, instant and unhindered access to sexually destructive content, we anticipate an increase against legal acts against children on a sexual basis. 2. The age of sexual rapists decreases. With the proliferation of bullying, secession, cults of violence and cruelty, sexual crimes "get younger". Today, there are not isolated cases when children commit sexual violence against children. 3. The problem of latent sexual abuse of children, especially with the occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine, remains pressing. Against this backdrop, special attention is paid to the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for the protection of children.
Authors and Affiliations
Taras Shevchuk
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