Умовно-дострокове звільнення від відбування покарання: окремі питання законодавчої та правозастосовної практики / Conditional Early Discharge from Serving a Sentence: Separate Issues of Legislative and Law Enforcement Procedure Practice
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 48, Issue
Rules about application of conditional early discharge from serving a sentence from the point of view of legislative and law enforcement procedure practice are examined in the article. Material reasons for release such as conscientious behavior and attitude to work are reviewed. Problematic issues and ways of their solving are determined. Formal reasons of conditional early discharge from serving a sentence are investigated. It is pointed out, that for solving negative problematic questions, which are inherent to formal and material reasons, it is necessary to identify criteria, which define the level of convicts’ reformation and measure of their social danger clearly. Secondly, it is necessary to change criminal and criminal and executive legislation, due to which a person, who is under conditional early discharge from serving a sentence, must attend some probation programs for the purpose of his or her adoption for civil society and reduction of his or her social danger. Some restrictions should be imposed on this person. In case of person, who is conditional early discharged from serving a sentence, not execution of imposed restrictions and probation programs, it must be an opportunity to abolish the release and to make this person further serve a sentence.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Oliinyk, Ihor Bodnar
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