Стан дослідження проблеми домашнього насильства відносно літніх членів родини / State of Research of Domestic Violence against Aged Family Members
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 49, Issue
One of the most common violations of constitutional rights and freedoms guaranteed to each person in Ukraine is ill-treatment against family members. Violent acts against any family member is a big problem of the state and civilized society in general. Sociologists, advocates and representatives of different NGOs focus on this family grief. The main reasons of this situation are the following: - constant deterioration of living standards within a real economic crisis and as a result gradual impoverishment of aged people and their dependence on relatives and their transfer to the status of dependents; - traditional privacy of a family as a system which contributes to the existence of these relations without legal regulation and as a result false data in statistics regarding this problem; - factual connection and full dependence of victims on domestic aggressors and mistrust to the state which can provide legal assistance; - low social and legal protection of domestic violence victims etc. A significant achievement in this sphere was recognition of aged family members as subject of domestic violence in legislation. Art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence’ stipulates this. But recognition of the problem is not enough because the main task of the state is to develop and ensure a full and real mechanism for execution of priorities mentioned in the law. In our opinion, the following practical measures shall be taken to bring provisions of the law in life: - constant control over the families which are under the risk by law enforcement agencies, NGOs, social services; - registration and correctional work with individuals who committed the mentioned acts against an aged family member; - provision of full free assistance to victims of domestic violence, establishment of temporary shelters (as for example equipment of certain rooms in hospitals) for a secure stay of victims; - avoidance of ignorance of such cases and regular publication of official statistics regarding domestic violence, public campaigns in mass media; - organization of hot lines, provision of legal and psychological support etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliia Shamruk
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