Система нормативно-правових актів у сфері реалізації права на безпечне для життя і здоров’я довкілля / The System of Normative and Legal Acts Regarding Exercise of the Right to Safe and Healthy Environment


The article is devoted to the research of the modern system of normative legal acts in the field of realization by private individuals of the right to a safe environment for life and health. The set of normative legal acts of the national and international levels is considered, which, according to the author, constitute the basis of the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of the right to a safe environment for life and health. A number of known legal science approaches to the classification of normative legal acts are considered. Consequently, regulations in this area can be classified according to various, known legal science, criteria: 1) depending on the publisher, regulations are divided into such that: adopted by the national authorities of specific states and accepted by international organizations; 2) depending on the type of document, normative documents are divided into laws, regulations, conventions, charter, etc.; 3) depending on the date of adoption: more detailed and less detailed groups of normative acts; 4) depending on nature, regulations are divided into general and special. The author proposed approach to the classification of normative legal acts, which guarantees and ensures implementation of the right to a safe environment for life and health. According to this approach, the legal acts in the specified area are divided as follows: international normative acts, national legal acts, which can be divided into general and special laws of Ukraine, subordinate acts of public authorities of Ukraine. The modern system of legal acts in the sphere of realization by private individuals of the right to a safe environment for life and health is a set of special international legal and national normative legal acts. Given the differences between them in legal force, type, content, nature, subjects of acceptance, etc., they can be classified according to various criteria. The most right is the combination of several criteria at once, the division into varieties that depend, in particular, on the chosen level of synthesis and concretization, as well as aspects of the implementation and maintenance of the studied law, taken as a basis. At the same time, there is a need to systematize norms and adopt an act devoted to the principles of realization and ensuring the basic human right to an environment for life and health. The expediency of this step is due to the fact that today such normative act is absent and relations in this area are regulated by too many different normative documents, which confirms the classification carried out in the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktoriia Polubatko


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How To Cite

Viktoriia Polubatko (2018). Система нормативно-правових актів у сфері реалізації права на безпечне для життя і здоров’я довкілля / The System of Normative and Legal Acts Regarding Exercise of the Right to Safe and Healthy Environment. Журнал східноєвропейського права, 50(), 84-92. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-625731