(Super)matka wcielona w superbohatera(kę). O Grach domowych I Supermatkach Elżbiety Jabłońskiej.
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 49
The present article is an attempt to examine the projects of modern Toruń artist Elżbieta Jabłońska entitled Home games and Supermatka, co-creating a kind of cycle that his eloquence both fits perfectly into the discussion on the transformation / travesty myth superheros and his revelation in the form of “(syndrome) Superwoman” and revises the same problem / issue and all its cultural implications. In this text I made attempts to investigate the above-mentioned works of Elżbieta Jabłońska, pointing to the whole spectrum of issues and problems that this kind of analysis is initiates. Use by Jabłońska compound word and image, the phenomenon of visual resume, the problem of art as a statement of mass and soliloquy at the same time, the importance of lifetimes in the form of various superheroes, a reference to the types of representational of the Virgin Mary, the concept of the game in terms of Roger Caillosa and developed by Eric Berne’s transactional analysis<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Kotarba (Niciejewska)
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