Supervision and control in the sphere of economic activity as a means of implementing public interests
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 1
Under the supervision it is expedient to understand observation of its object. Control is appropriate to consider as a set of functions, including supervision – observation. To determine the full, it is necessary to have a sufficient list, we turn to the system analysis. Based on its methodology, we introduce the concept of the desired and actual state of the object of supervision (control). Regarding their functions, it is observing the preservation of the desired state of the object of supervision (control), detecting deviations from this state, analyzing the causes of their occurrence, and developing measures for bringing the object to the desired state. A clear definition of supervision and control is one of the important conditions for its effective implementation, and therefore the realization of the tasks and functions of the state. In the presence of the developed theoretical and methodological basis of supervision and control, the optimal achievement of the purpose of supervision and control, successful implementation of the tasks and functions of the state is possible. A clear definition of supervision and control is one of the important conditions for its effective implementation, and therefore the realization of the tasks and functions of the state. In the presence of the developed theoretical and methodological basis of supervision and control, the optimal achievement of the purpose of supervision and control, successful implementation of the tasks and functions of the state is possible. Supervision and control by the state of economic activity includes, firstly, observation of compliance by economic entities with the norms and regulations of legislation, rules and standards, quality and safety of both produced products, services rendered and their production. Second, it identifies, analyzes and establishes the causes of deviations from the above rules and standards. Third, the quality and safety of products, services provided, and their production in accordance with the standards. Regarding the nature of control in the field, it is both managerial and legal, which are closely intertwined.
Authors and Affiliations
Serhii Sierov, Сергій Сєров, Сергей Серов
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