Surgical treatment results of acquired external auditory canal atresia
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 6
Acquired post inflammatory external auditory canal atresia is a rear complication of external ear disease. It is presented as a connective tissue scar in bony part of external auditory canal. The aim of this study is clinical and epidemiological analysis and presentation of diagnostics and treatment results of patients with atresia treated in the Otolaryngology Department of Medical University of Gdansk. Material and methods: In the period of 3 years (2008-11) 10 patients (8 women and 2 men) aged 30 to 70-years-old (medium 53 years) were treated for acquired atresia. All of these patients had medial closure of EAC with thick connective tissue scar and tympanic membrane involvement. Intrameatal access was performed in 5 patients, intraural access in 3 patients and retroaurical access in 2 patients. In all cases canaloplasty with meato-tympanic angle enlargement was performed, skin defect was replaced with free epidermal flap, silicon foil with fibrinous sponge was used for coverage. Results: In all of our patients external auditory canal widening and hearing improvement was achieved. Due to increasing EAC narrowing four patients underwent second surgery with another free epi-dermal flap grafting. Conclusion: The selection of surgical access in patients with acquired atresia should comply with the etiology of the disease and the shape of EAC. During surgery we aim at maximal broadening of the bony part of EAC. The success of the treatment depends on meato-tympanic angle enlargement and free epidermal flap grafting.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Kuczkowski, Wojciech Sierszeń, Waldemar Narożny, Grażyna Gulida
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