The aim of the study: To assess the effectiveness of sodium tetradecyl sulfate injection in the region of the soft palate to treat primary snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome. Sodium tetradecyl sul...
Acquired post inflammatory external auditory canal atresia is a rear complication of external ear disease. It is presented as a connective tissue scar in bony part of external auditory canal. The aim of this study is cli...
Nasal polyps and hypertrophic lower nasal conchae are common disorders of nasal cavity. The majority of etiopathogenetic theories indicate inflammatory background of polyps and hypertrophic concha. N-acetyl-b-D-hexosamin...
Neoplasm of salivary gland constitutes about 3% of all tumours of head and neck. Within the category we can differentiate tumours of a very different histological structure. What lies behind such great differences in the...
EP ID EP51584
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How To Cite
Kamal Morshed (2008). Wartość prognostyczna wybranych czynników klinicznych i molekularnych w raku krtani. Otolaryngologia Polska, 62(4),
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Zastosowanie snoreplastyki iniekcyjnej w leczeniu chrapani i łagodnej postaci zespołu obturacyjnych bezdechów podczas snu – doniesienie wstępne
The aim of the study: To assess the effectiveness of sodium tetradecyl sulfate injection in the region of the soft palate to treat primary snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome. Sodium tetradecyl sul...
Surgical treatment results of acquired external auditory canal atresia
Acquired post inflammatory external auditory canal atresia is a rear complication of external ear disease. It is presented as a connective tissue scar in bony part of external auditory canal. The aim of this study is cli...
The activity of N-acetyl-β-D-hexosaminidase A and B and β-glucuronidase in nasal polyps and hypertrophic nasal concha
Nasal polyps and hypertrophic lower nasal conchae are common disorders of nasal cavity. The majority of etiopathogenetic theories indicate inflammatory background of polyps and hypertrophic concha. N-acetyl-b-D-hexosamin...
Sprawozdanie z Zebrania Sekcji Otorynolaryngologii Chirurgii Głowy i Szyi, Europejskiej Unii Lekarzy Specjalistów (Section ORL H&N S, UEMS)
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Incidence of salivary gland malignancies in 12 year time period in ENT Department Medical University in Poznan
Neoplasm of salivary gland constitutes about 3% of all tumours of head and neck. Within the category we can differentiate tumours of a very different histological structure. What lies behind such great differences in the...