Susceptibility of siberian hybrids new races of zarazhi


Aim. A study of the racial composition of broomrape on sunflower crops in the northern part of the Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Assessment of the resistance of hybrids and sunflower test lines to broomrape was carried out by a modified soil method. Results. The broomrape parasitizing on the fields of sunflower has a high degree of virulence, which overcomes the immunity of the best hybrids of domestic and foreign breeding, resistant to the E, F and G races of this parasite. Conclusions. The emergence of new very aggressive broomrape races (E, F and G) indicates the important need to solve the problem of creating breeding material resistant to new races of this parasitic plant. Intensive with the accumulation of parasite races E, F and G in the sunflower crops is associated with the disruption of crop rotations and the saturation of fields with hybrids of this culture, resistant mainly to 4 (D) and 5 (E) races of the parasite. Keywords: Orobanche сumana Wallr., race, sunflower, hybrid, root system, root allocation, srigolactones.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Г. Хаблак, Я. А. Абдуллаева, Л. О. Рябовол, Я. С. Рябовол


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How To Cite

С. Г. Хаблак, Я. А. Абдуллаева, Л. О. Рябовол, Я. С. Рябовол (2018). Susceptibility of siberian hybrids new races of zarazhi. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 154-159.