Сутність та складові механізму управління кредитуванням підприємств
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
В статті розглянуто рівні та складові механізму управління кредитуванням виробничих підприємств. Висвітлено процес управління кредитним ризиком, який включає комплекс заходів, спрямованих на мінімізацію ризиків. Намічені основні шляхи зниження ризиків комерційних банків при кредитуванні є впровадження страхування кредитних ризиків. In the research process, reviewed credit mechanism covering the micro - macro level. It is determined that the credit facility includes leverage (the establishment of the NBU discount rate, reserve requirements of commercial banks; lending rates, the loan amount and terms of repayment; profit and so forth), incentives (punishment in the form of penalties for violation of the terms of the loan agreement) and instruments (the monetary policy of the state) the management of credit relations. It is theoretically proved that the management of credit relationships is carried out at each level of the credit system: at the level of the National Bank, at the level of commercial banks and enterprises. It is established that an important tool for the development of credit relations are the control over target use of credit resources. The article describes the levels and components of the control mechanism of lending to industrial enterprises. Determined that the mechanism of credit management includes the monitoring of the timeliness of payments on credit obligations and analysis of own possibilities of paying of the loan by assessing their own financial condition. Reflected the process of credit risk management, which includes a range of activities aimed at minimizing risks. The factors that affect credit activities of banks and depends on the degree of credit risk (inadequate management inadequate initial capital, fluctuations, NTP, competition, economic fluctuations, etc). It is established that the main ways to reduce risks of commercial banks in lending is the introduction of credit risk insurance. The reasons in the domestic credit market of credit insurance are: the high cost of insurance services, the complexity of the procedure of execution of insurance agreement, no insurance, audit, information about the activities of insurance companies and the lack of qualified professionals insurance.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V Chernysh
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