Świątynie przyjaźni. Funkcje motywu architektury i rzeźby ogrodowej w sztambuchach z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku na przykładzie zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu


Temples of friendship. The meaning and function of images of the landscape garden monuments in the books of friendship from the late 18th and early 19th c. in the collection of the Wroclaw University Library The article systematizes and tries to analyze motifs inspired by small garden architecture and sculpture, preserved in friendship albums found in the collections of the University Library in Wrocław (see footnote 4): urns, antique-like altars, monuments in the form of broken columns, steles, pyramids, sarcophaguses, stones, etc. They are either independent representations or, less often, an element of larger quodlibet compositions. Most of these monuments are fantastic in nature, but the Altar of Truth (“Altar der Wahrheit”) from the Seifersdorfer Tal landscape park in Saxony and the famous Rousseau’s Tomb on the poplar island of Ermenonville were also depicted. Based on the literature devoted to the “cult of friendship”, the author points to other than only aesthetic functions of these representations, as well as to their links with the older tradition of album decoration.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Michalska


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Anna Michalska (2018). Świątynie przyjaźni. Funkcje motywu architektury i rzeźby ogrodowej w sztambuchach z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku na przykładzie zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 48(2), 22-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-540763