Świętość w perspektywie ekumenicznej
Journal Title: Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue
Among the so-called lost icons of modern culture (as Rowan Williams once put it) holiness should be perhaps seen with a particular concern. Christianity has always perceived holiness as a universal calling which Christ’s disciples are never to neglect. The Lutheran pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer emerges as a significant example of radical discipleship in his consistent and faithful pursuit of holiness. The one who believes in Christ is to follow Him not by withdrawing from this world but rather in the midst of the world as Christ himself lived and to „drink the earthly cup to the dregs like Christ himself”. Consequently, „holiness begins and ends with God and moves toward the needy of the world” (A. Lawrence). John Paul II would often stress that holiness is one of those precious signs of the Spirit’s active presence among all Christ’s followers which should play an ever more growing role in the ecumenical exchange of gifts. When Christians base their hope on the Lord’s prayer and not their own strength, they can trust that „the great ecumenism of holiness will not fail, with God’s help, to bring results” (John Paul II).
Authors and Affiliations
Sławomir Nowosad
Chrześcijaństwo a kultura koreańska
The aim of this article is to present the relation between Christianity and Korean culture. The problem here is not the concept of Christianity, but the concept of Korean culture. In the Korean thought is hard to disting...
Ks. Józef Grzywaczewski, The Biblical Idea of Divine Mercy in the Early Church, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskie-go 2016, 378 s.
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