Synergizing the logistics processes and process management – framework of BPM course based on business cases, BPM standards and tools


Better processes produce lower costs, higher revenues, motivated employees, and happier customers. Logistics companies operating on very competitive market are continuously seeking opportunities to ensure the process reliability while improving their productivity. Due to increasing process complexity it is necessary to apply a systematic approach to designing, implementation, monitoring and improvement of processes in the organization. Such approach may be realized through Business Process Management (BPM) techniques and tools. An investment in BPM software, coupled with new approaches to project implementation, enables companies to introduce a sustainable business process improvement program. However, the implementation of BPM is not easy because of process complexity and multiplication of interaction specific for each organization. In this paper we propose some teaching frameworks, that can be used during the education process to enhance the practical skills in BPMN and in the application of process management in the field of logistics. Our solution is based on practical cases and BPM worldwide standards. It provides students with the opportunity to use the BPM suites software in complex environment and practice the techniques of modelling and analyzing processes. The presented framework may address many of requirements of learning environments for business process analysts. In the second part of the article we present also the analysis of students’ (attendants’ of BPM classes) opinions about gaining knowledge and skills on BPM. Performed research indicate that young people were keen on business process modeling classes organized in a form of problem-based laboratories and they would like to use learned BPM methods and tools in their future education or work.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Wiechetek, Marek Mędrek


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  • EP ID EP614192
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2018.52.5.95-112
  • Views 86
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How To Cite

Łukasz Wiechetek, Marek Mędrek (2018). Synergizing the logistics processes and process management – framework of BPM course based on business cases, BPM standards and tools. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 95-112.