Syrian Children’s Problems in Public Schools according to DKAB Teachers (A Qualitative Research)
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 2
One third of the 3 million 570 thousand Syrian refugees in Turkey is of school age. But only 58% of Syrian children can go to any school. 16% of schooled Syrian children continue to temporary training centers and 84% to public schools. The most critical role for Syrian children educated in public schools in the name of consciousness of living together with indigenous children and of social cohesion undoubtedly falls to the teachers in public schools. The main aim of this research is to examine the experiences of Syrian children in public schools according to the teachers of DKAB (Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge), to reveal the difficulties they are facing and the kind of support they expect in this process. Qualitative research model was used in the research. 50 DKAB teachers working in various provinces of Turkey and with Syrian students in their classes participated in this research. 48 of the teachers who participated in this research stated that the Syrian children meet various problems due to the language barrier and 24 of the teachers stated that the Syrian children meet various problems (labeling, otherization, violence, etc.) in the context of social adjustment. Finally, the findings described were evaluated using the relevant literatüre and the suggestions for solutions are listed in the conclusion section.
Authors and Affiliations
Muhammed Esat Altıntaş
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