The paper discusses the ways of domesticating the feeling of sublime homelessness when contemplating the realm of outer space in Carl Sagan’s revolutionary television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (1980) and its prese...
The article deals with the problems of the efolklore in the context of the e-humanitarianism. E-humanitarianism is interactive phenomenon, it enriches forms and mechanisms of contemporary folklore. Its success is often d...
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...
EP ID EP52652
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Piotr Majewski (2012). Taki mały, taki duży może świętym być. Proces mitologizacji Todora Tose Proeskiego w macedońskiej kulturze popularnej. Kultura Popularna, 4(34),
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The Homely Sublime in Space Science Documentary Films: Domesticating the Feeling of Homelessness in Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and its Sequel
The paper discusses the ways of domesticating the feeling of sublime homelessness when contemplating the realm of outer space in Carl Sagan’s revolutionary television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (1980) and its prese...
Mięso jako śmieć. Społeczne procesy dewaluacji mięsa
E-humanitarianism. Helping Through Clicking.
The article deals with the problems of the efolklore in the context of the e-humanitarianism. E-humanitarianism is interactive phenomenon, it enriches forms and mechanisms of contemporary folklore. Its success is often d...
WIERNI JAKO ZASÓB KONTRHEGEMONICZNY. Spór o krzyż w kontekście teorii hegemonii
Dlaczego Superman nie mógł być Żydem? Tożsamość żydowska w komiksie amerykańskim i frankofońskim
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...