Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy

Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2019, Vol 59, Issue 1


This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciously he builds his own brand composed of popular books, a recognizable image and speaking on important social and political topics. The author's actions will be analyzed in context of how he professionalizes his image and to build s popularity, which results in calling the writer a celebrity. In addition, the hypothesis of this text is the statement, that Szczepan Twardoch's attitude is not limited solely to the role of a celebrity-writer. It is much wider, and owing to his conscious activities in the field of building and managing his own image, this creator deserves to be called an ‘influencer’– who introduces changes in the writer's ethos, followed by the entire industry.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Michalik


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How To Cite

Anna Michalik (2019). Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy. Kultura Popularna, 59(1), 26-30. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-599896