Teaching the Christian OrthodoxMystery of Baptism to Adults with Moderate or Severe Intellectual Disability


Sevenadults at a residentialfacility of agesbetween 25 and 64 yearswithmoderate or severeintellectual and otherdisabilitieswereselected to betaught a simplified adaptation of the Christian orthodoxmystery of baptism in order to establish a basic understanding of religioussymbolism and a relationshipwith the priest of theirparish. This priestperformed all sessions, providing the enactments of baptism and explaining the symbolsused by asking the participants nine questions (graduallyin 3 sets of 3) and providingtheiranswers. A preferred snack wasgiven to each participant at the conclusion of every session. A withinsubject design wasused to show the acquisition of thisknowledgethrough the conditions of baseline, teaching, probing and generalization. All participants learnt to respond to the questions regarding the ritual of baptism. This knowledgegeneralized to different settings –achurch and a monastery. The goal of increasing the participants‟ engagement withtheir local communitywasalsoindirectlyapproached by this training, whichprovidedsomeskills and knowledge to become more active members of their local church and community. Such training of symbolsmightverywellfacilitate a greatersense of belonging and acloserrelationshipwiththeircommunity.

Authors and Affiliations

Christina Lappa, Fr. Ioannis Anastasiou, Constantinos Mantzikos, Nicholas Kyparissos


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Christina Lappa, Fr. Ioannis Anastasiou, Constantinos Mantzikos, Nicholas Kyparissos (2018). Teaching the Christian OrthodoxMystery of Baptism to Adults with Moderate or Severe Intellectual Disability. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(3), 64-74. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-398479