Technical-economic feasibility analysis of micro grids integrating fuel cells in non-interconnected zones in Colombia
Journal Title: TecnoLógicas - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue 43
The sustainable power solutions provided tonon-interconnected zonesshould bebased on the renewable energy resources available in each area. Thispresents a challenge for the techno-economic feasibility of alternativesolutionsthrough micro grids. Theobjective of this work is to analyze, using HOMER software,the techno-economic impact ofintroducingfuel cells on cost reduction during the lifetime of micro grids in non-interconnected zones. Such impact is evaluated in the technical design of the micro grid as Present Value and Levelized Cost of Electricity($/kWh). The analysis considers the calculation of the demand of a generic village, the size and cost of the technologies that constitute the micro grid to satisfythe demand,and the availability of solar and wind power in two areas located at different latitudes inColombia. In addition, the effect of introducingfuel cells intothe energy mix was examined.Finally, the advantages were highlighted by comparing each case with traditional generation alternatives based on diesel consumption.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel González-Montoya, Carlos A. Ramos-Paja, Bernardo A. Potosí-Guerrero, Elkin E. Henao-Bravo, Andrés Julián Saavedra-Montes
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