Article explores a novel concept of mining social media for information on public health (infodemiology) and provides insight into chosen results of original research covering random tweets by Polish Twitter users. Autho...
The aim of this article is to show evolution of punk subculture in the context of a city. The author presents his ethnographical research on punk subculture. Punk is depicted as a two-figure movement. First figure works...
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 2 (52) / 2017, Kultura i społeczne życie designu<br/><br/>
EP ID EP52728
Views 55
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How To Cite
Zbigniew Wałaszewski (2014). Technology as Witchcraft. Fear and Desire: A Female Robot in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. Kultura Popularna, 4(38),
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Tabu w przestrzeni publicznej. Wstęp
Twitter jako źródło wiedzy o stanie zdrowia polskiego społeczeństwa – ujęcie infodemiologiczne.
Article explores a novel concept of mining social media for information on public health (infodemiology) and provides insight into chosen results of original research covering random tweets by Polish Twitter users. Autho...
Czas Apokalipsy jako nostalgia za prostotą przemocy
Od subkultury do kultury DIY. Miejskie ewolucje kultury punk
The aim of this article is to show evolution of punk subculture in the context of a city. The author presents his ethnographical research on punk subculture. Punk is depicted as a two-figure movement. First figure works...
Abstrakty do numeru Kultura Popularna nr 2 (52) / 2017, Kultura i społeczne życie designu
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 2 (52) / 2017, Kultura i społeczne życie designu<br/><br/>