Technostalgia, kontrola i ironia. Nonsense technologies w sztuce Przemysława Jasielskiego

Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 48


The fusion of art and science doesn’t need to beconfusing for viewers. It shouldn’t be too easy either.Installations created by PrzemysławJasielskipropose an experimental intervention into realityusing nonsense technologies. These are notnew technologies focused on the productivityand efficiency ‑they are ironic devices making“one step beyond”. Strategies used by the artistdiagnose critical points of technoculture. Thisstrange kind of technology becomes a methodto provoke questions, inquiries without a needfor the unequivocal answers. Devices and objectsshown by artists make no sense from a classicalperspective of technology, they don’t work or theresult of their work is unpredictable. This apparentuselessness, randomness or unpredictability,however, means that technology, treated as anexperimental method becomes an importantcognitive and relational factor in the art world.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Zydorowicz, Katarzyna Przerwa‑Zydorowicz


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  • EP ID EP187219
  • DOI 10.5604/16448340.1226687
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How To Cite

Jacek Zydorowicz, Katarzyna Przerwa‑Zydorowicz (2016). Technostalgia, kontrola i ironia. Nonsense technologies w sztuce Przemysława Jasielskiego. Kultura Popularna, 2(48), 140-149.