The article collects information on Norwid’s works found in recent years. The most
important discoveries include song lyrics [“Blade kwiaty na odłogu...”], two Norwid’s letters
to Julia Pusłowska and an original death ce...
This article deals with the controversy surrounding the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of the (post)Soviet troops from Legnica – the former garrison town of the Northern Group of Soviet Army. The a...
The article discusses the history of the Nasjonal Samling party (founded in 1933) and
its leader Vidkun Quisling – a military, politician and prime minister of the collaborative
government of occupied Norway in 1942–1945...
The aim of the article is to present the issues related to human life protection. First, the
author discusses the legal matters related to the European Declaration of Human Rights
in the context of value of life. Then, p...
Do dziś odszukane. O ostatnio odkrytych norwidianach
The article collects information on Norwid’s works found in recent years. The most important discoveries include song lyrics [“Blade kwiaty na odłogu...”], two Norwid’s letters to Julia Pusłowska and an original death ce...
Kultura w cieniu bomby atomowej. Wprowadzenie do lektury
Świętować, nie świętować? Kontrowersje wokół dwudziestej rocznicy wyjścia wojsk (post)radzieckich z Legnicy
This article deals with the controversy surrounding the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of the (post)Soviet troops from Legnica – the former garrison town of the Northern Group of Soviet Army. The a...
(Nie)udany projekt. Vidkun Quisling i paradoks norweskiego faszyzmu lat 30. i 40.
The article discusses the history of the Nasjonal Samling party (founded in 1933) and its leader Vidkun Quisling – a military, politician and prime minister of the collaborative government of occupied Norway in 1942–1945...
Prawo do życia
The aim of the article is to present the issues related to human life protection. First, the author discusses the legal matters related to the European Declaration of Human Rights in the context of value of life. Then, p...