Tendenz zum Moralisieren als Heilung in Frisches ,,Biedermann und die Brandstifter” und ,,Homo Faber”

Journal Title: Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue


The present article engages present day themes about fear, endless stupidity, narrowmindedness and revelation. It presents two types of characters of different kinds of limitation. The first is the image of the suspicious, rough bourgeoisie Biedermann character and the second the very rational Walter Faber, to the point of annulling all kind of emotion and feeling for art or the beautiful, in the image of woman in this case. Thus, it is only through experience that these characters learn. The first is doomed, and the second redeemed. I tend to stress out all throughout the article that literature must be read through a moralizing lens. Otherwise, it won’t serve its purpose.

Authors and Affiliations

Iulia Luca


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How To Cite

Iulia Luca (2016). Tendenz zum Moralisieren als Heilung in Frisches ,,Biedermann und die Brandstifter” und ,,Homo Faber”. Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie, 0(), 197-207. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-447871