Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Право - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
Стаття присвячена аналізу глобальних та локальних чинників становлення, функціонування та розвитку територіальних громад. The article analyzes the global and local factors of constitutional, operation and development of local communities. The author argues that in terms of formation and development of legal democratic state is growing the role and importance of collective rights that arise and operate in the territory of acquiring and creating its own legal status, which include territorial communities and residents of the respective areas – community. Particularly evident its role in a decentralized public authority when local communities as primary actors begin to play local government, on the one hand, constitutional role in the phenomenon of local democracy and on the other – institutional role as an essential element of civil society. But in the process of economic, political and legal globalization, and especially in international interstate integration is a prime example of the latter, they begin to play and the relevant international legal role, acquiring appropriate signs international legal personality, and in these circumstances – forming legal environment for their existence and operation turns into an object of international legal regulation and regulation. It is alleged that local communities act as the opposite of globalization, they are carriers of local cultural space and powerful producers of local interest. However, between local and global factors in world politics and thinking there is a paradoxical relationship, cue characterized as opposition (dichotomy), and so mutual communication. In such conditions local factor acts as an object of international legal regulation, and the local community are a reflection of global trends. Moreover, they are a factor increasing globalization. The author concludes that the level of local communities are complex multilevel, and diverse, multiple connections between local and global, with objective and affect such communities, both in positive and in negative ways. Local and global factors form a system of complex and contradictory vertical horizontal connections that occur primarily in the global and local management and are aimed, on the one hand, to preserve the historical, geographical, cultural features of object management (local communities) that are in terms of everyday life, and the second – the development of optimal, efficient, productive and stereotyped forms such control that are designed for an unlimited number of non-personal subjects, which have different legal status. The level of territorial community is more favorable to the impact of global factors aimed at leveling its special features, the emergence of collective forms of social stereotypes, group and individual life. However, it serves local community resistance to the fundamental subject of negative factors of globalization, because due to local interest that it produced and sold in the conditions of everyday life, that it creates, maintains and increases its identity. However, the identity of the territorial community influenced by factors of globalization yet transformed, but not so clearly and not so fast - the reason for this situation is the work of community members to implement the guidelines in their life circumstances of everyday life are based on local interest.
Authors and Affiliations
M. O. Baymuratov
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