Технологічні властивості зерна тритикале озимого залежно від норм азотних добрив
Journal Title: Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 92
The results of studying main technological properties of winter triticale grain depending on the norms of nitrogen fertilizers are presented. It has been found that winter triticale grain of Alkyd variety has high indicators of the thousand-kernel weight and vitreousness which indicate high milling properties. Improving conditions of nitrogen nutrition contributes to an increase in the thousand-kernel weight. The grain unit and vitreousness do not change significantly depending on the fertilizer. Winter triticale grain was characterized by a high indicator of vitreousness which even in the plots without fertilizers was 97%. The use of nitrogen fertilizers increased this indicator to 98-99% or more by 1-2 points. It indicates the ability of plants of this crop to have the high protein content without fertilizers. The protein content in the unfertilized plots was high but significantly increased with the improvement of nitrogen nutrition. So, on average, for two years of the research, it increased from 17.3% to 17.9% in the variant of ground + N60 or more by 0.6 points. Application of 120 kg/ ha nitrogen fertilizers increased the protein content by 0.9 points in comparison with the check variant and an increase in the rate of nitrogen fertilizers to 180 kg/ ha provided the protein content in grain to 18.0%. The results of the research indicate that winter triticale grain is characterized by the high thousand-kernel weight which varies considerably depending on the norms of nitrogen fertilizers. So, in the variant without fertilizers this indicator was 49.9g which increased to 52.0g in the variant of ground + N120 or more by 4% but the increase in the norm to N180 decreased to 47.8g or less by 4% compared with the check variant.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Любич, Л. Л. Новак, В. В. Возіян
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