The activity of public authorities to promote cultural projects in Permsky Krai
Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 32, Issue 4
This article raises a question about a possibility to increase competitiveness of Russian’s urban and rural settlements by cultural projects’ promotion. On the example of Permsky Krai there is researching of the practice of cultural projects’ promotion by regional authorities in collaboration with municipalities from 2007 to 2013. The object of research is culture as a way to increase competitiveness of regions. The item for research is practice of cultural projects’ promotion in municipalities of Permsky Krai (Russia). The purpose of research is analysis of regional and municipal public authorities cooperation in promotion of cultural projects on the example of «Permsky Krai is culture territory» which is realized in municipalities in Permsky Krai. This analysis doesn’t include practice of regional centre – Perm, settlement with a population of 1 000 000 people, which gives him especial condition comparing with other regional settlements. Research tasks: 1) Reveal on the basis of European experience, elucidated in scientific literature, factors which effect on cultural projects’ realization; 2) Examine the main principles of culture politic in Permsky Krai; 3) Compare cultural projects which are realizing in regional municipalities; 4) Reveal factors which decline efficiency of cultural projects’ realization in Permsky Krai. Keywords: culture, municipality, regional government, the project, cooperation, initiative, competitiveness.
Authors and Affiliations
Юлия Кашаева
The activity of public authorities to promote cultural projects in Permsky Krai
This article raises a question about a possibility to increase competitiveness of Russian’s urban and rural settlements by cultural projects’ promotion. On the example of Permsky Krai there is researching of the practice...
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