Business model innovations: typologies and dimensions in management theory

Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 29, Issue 1


The article presents the analysis of business model definition and its construct; different levels of business model are highlighted, and furthermore, the analysis of business model research spheres is presented. Introduction section reveals the problem of the research where the essence is to explain following: What are the main spheres of business model research?, What business phenomenon may be explained using business model?, What are the basic types and components of the e-business model?, What is business model innovation and what is its typology?, What are stages and essential activity of the process of business model innovation? The research object – business model and its innovation, the main aim – to reveal theoretical typologies and dimensions of business model innovation through the context of business management: 1) reviewing current business model research spheres, to define main approaches to the construct of business model; 2) to reveal dimensions of business model innovation in the different spheres of research; 3) to present and discuss about the basic typologies of business model innovation; 4) to describe the main stages of business model innovation implementation. There are presented appropriate research methods that are used for revealing the theme of article. Keywords: business model, innovation, business model innovation, strategy.

Authors and Affiliations

Remigijus Kinderis , Giedrius Jucevičius


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How To Cite

Remigijus Kinderis, Giedrius Jucevičius (2013). Business model innovations: typologies and dimensions in management theory. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, 29(1), 84-95.