The analysis of consumption of intestinal anti-inflammatory agents in different countries of the world


Aim. To assess drug consumption of the group A07E “Intestinal anti-inflammatory agents” in Ukraine and European countries in 2015-2017. Materials and methods. Data from the “Pharmexplorer” information system of Morion company were used to analyze the assortment and the consumption volumes of intestinal anti-inflammatory agents in Ukraine. The volumes, structure and dynamics of drug consumption of this group in Ukraine was assessed based on the number of the consumed defined daily doses (DDD) of drugs using the ATC/DDD methodology and the number of packs sold. The level of consumption of the drugs studied by the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in the countries of Europe was determined by the statistical data of these countries. Results. The intestinal anti-inflammatory agents were presented in Ukraine in 2015-2017 in the number of 4 international non-patented names, 22-27 trade names (TN), mainly of foreign production with a high price for a pack. The number of TNs of drugs of this group and volumes of their consumption (by the number of packs sold and the number of the consumed DDDs) increased in Ukraine from 2015 to 2017. The largest number of packs sold was determined for sulfasalazine. The level of consumption of intestinal anti-inflammatory agents by the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in Ukraine did not correspond to the level of drug consumption of this group in European countries (Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) in 2015-2017, and it was the lowest among the countries studied. The largest volumes of drug consumption of this group were determined in Norway. Mesalazine was ranked first by the number of the consumed DDDs in Norway, Lithuania and Estonia in 2015-2017, and sulfasalazine – in Latvia. The leadership of sulfasalazine and mesalazine varied over the years in Ukraine. Conclusions. The volumes of drug consumption of the group A07E “Intestinal anti-inflammatory agents” by the number of packs sold and the number of the consumed DDDs increased in Ukraine from 2015 to 2017. The level of drug consumption of this group by the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in Ukraine during 2015-2017 did not correspond to the level of consumption of the intestinal anti-inflammatory agents in European countries.

Authors and Affiliations

O. O. Gerasymova, L. V. Iakovlieva, V. O. Taran


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  • EP ID EP663113
  • DOI 10.24959/sphhcj.19.151
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How To Cite

O. O. Gerasymova, L. V. Iakovlieva, V. O. Taran (2019). The analysis of consumption of intestinal anti-inflammatory agents in different countries of the world. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 5(2), 17-25.