The Analysis of Experience of Šiauliai Colledge Professors in the Project „KOOPERIA“ Using the Method of Cooperate Studies
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 4
„Successful development of the career of students, using innovative method of Cooperate Studies (KOOPERIA)“ – project, which was prepared and implemented (in May 2006 – August 2008) by Šiauliai university, together with partners: Šiauliai colledge, Panevėžys colledge, Confederation of non-governmental organizations of Šiauliai. The method of Cooperate Studies, which is being wide used in USA, Poland, Latvia and Estonia, is not new in Lithuania also. Šiauliai university got acquainted with this method in year 2001, participating in project with the State university of Rutgers (USA). Method of Cooperate Studies in Šiauliai university was adopted by prof. dr. G. Mažeikis, several principles in practice used by I. Balčiūnienė, N. Mažeikienė and others. Cooperate Studies – the method of studies, grounded in cooperation. This method creates conditions for the cooperation of all participants of the studies process – professor and student, student and employer, professor and employer. For close ties between participants of the process of studies to settle, the coordinator is necessary (at the time of implementing the project, the position of methodist was foreseen). At the time of implementing the project, using the method of innovative Cooperate Studies, a part of disciplines (subjects or modules) were adopted and practically realized during two terms (2006-2007 Spring term and 2007-2008 Autumn term). Šiauliai colledge, using the method named, adopted four disciplines: Marketing of tourism (asist. R.Pilipavičienė), Organizational behavior (lect. J. Vveinhardt), Administration of documents (asist. R. Pocevičienė) and Operation of travel organization enterprises (lect. D. Kirvelienė). The aim of the project – to improve the level of professional preparedness of the students. Student, at the time of practical training (this is not ordinary practice at the enterprises) has an opportunity to get and develop skills and competences needed, also to use theoretical knowledge in practice. For the employer project „KOOPERIA“ creates perfect conditions to „grow up“ the kind of specialist needed, in compliance with the demands of market, also to use the theoretical potential of students and professors. Professors, who participated in the project, had to adopt the discipline taught: to reorganize the process of the studies, using method of distant studies: conspectuses of the lectures, exercises for self-training were placed into Šiauliai colledge‘s surrounding MOODLE. When planning the time for practical training, the structure of theoretical teaching had to be overlooked. Also consultations were organized. This was a new experience, useful for widening scientific competences of professors. Project „KOOPERIA“ was very useful for students: the not only had deepened theoretical and practical competences, but also developed skills of communitarianism, team working, civic engagement, partisanship. Nevertheless, some problems appeared. First, when applying the method of Cooperate Studies, student has to work himself more, and this disbalances most of the students (attendance problems). Second, as it got to be seen, a part of students has a lack of communicational skills. Third, employers, who are used to long-term practice, often failed to evaluate the benefits of practical trainings (students, who attended enterprises once a week, faced with too high demands from the side of employers). Evaluating the experience, attained at the Project, the professors of Šiauliai colledge – participants of the Project „KOOPERIA“, foresee the possibility of continuation of successful implementation of the elements of Cooperate Studies in the practice
Authors and Affiliations
Daiva Kirvelienė
Veiksniai, įtakojantys studijų nutraukimą aukštojoje mokykloje
Aukštosiose mokyklose dėl subjektyvių ir objektyvių priežasčių pastebimas didėjantis studentų išstojimo (nubyrėjimo) procesas, kuris asmeniniu ir valstybiniu požiūriu yra nepageidautinas. Remiantis 2008 mokslo metais Šia...
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