The Analysis of Results of Building of Social Market Eeconomy in Ukraine


The construction of a social market economy in which competition protection and market methods of managing combined effectively with the mechanism of state regulation of the national economy of social orientation was declared in Ukraine since the early 90-ies. The problems of employment are important in the economic system and the social sphere. The aim of this work is to make a systematic analysis of social market economy development in Ukraine at the present stage with distinguishing and characterization of major failures in the economic system and social sphere. The reduction of economic and social indicators, accompanied by, in particular, unemployment of the economically active population, mostly young people was seen for a long time. In such conditions the sustainable development of Ukraine, the growth of its economy, which also act as ultimate guarantor with more jobs and, consequently, the problem of employment cannot be achieved. The analysis of the development of the social market economy in Ukraine, which is closely integrated into society, was carried out in the article. Society is the creator of economic system and social sphere. The analysis of the results of development shows that instead of the declared social market economy, the corporate economy, which has no future, began to form. These results were obtained by the interaction of the three public institutions - the Ukrainian people, certain leaders and state, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations and political parties.

Authors and Affiliations

Elena Abashina


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How To Cite

Elena Abashina (2015). The Analysis of Results of Building of Social Market Eeconomy in Ukraine. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 27(), 158-165.