The analysis of the polymorphic variations of the dopamine gen transporter (DAT1) and the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) in patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome with inclusion of the phenotypic feature of sweet liking preference
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 1
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sweet-liking phenotype and the variation of the gene sequence of the dopaminergic and serotonergic system. Methods. The study recruited 100 probands. The participants were interviewed for addiction (SSAGA-Semi Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism) and assessed with the questionnaires: MMSE, Beck Depression Inventory and Hamilton Anxiety, Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale. The taste was analyzed with tests to assess sensitivity to sweet taste and also smell tests were performed. Patients preferring the highest glucose volumes were called sweet likers. Statistical analyses were performed (SPSS- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Results. Links between sweet liking phenotype and polymorphic variant of DAT1 gene were determined. The presence of DAT1 9/10 genotype increased three fold time sweet liking phenotype (p=0.015, odds ratio-3.00), the presence of DAT1 10/10 decreased two fold time the chance being sweet liker (p=0.051, odds ratio-0.43). Genotype 10/10 was significantly more common among sweet dislikers 10/10 (68.18% vs 47.92%) i 9/9 (6.82% vs 2.08%). Conclusions. A genetically significant association between the presence of 9/10 DAT1 VNTR genotype and a sweet-liking phenotype in probands was determined.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Jasiewicz, Anna Grzywacz, Marcin Jabłoński, Przemysław Bieńkowski, Agnieszka Samochowiec, Jerzy Samochowiec
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